As a marketer, generating sales leads is your lifeblood. It sustains your sales team, and your company. Trade shows have always been a great way to generate leads, but we know all too well how COVID-19 robbed many marketers of this vital tool. Now that trade shows are returning, we warmly invite you to join us face-to-face at our in-person VendorFest Cambridge! This event is designed to showcase a small but highly select vendor community focused on supporting the vast and variable needs of biopharma companies undertaking drug discovery and development.

On October 27, come and take part in a real-world in-person event that will bring together a small but highly select vendor community of 50 life science suppliers with over 500 drug discovery and development researchers and decision-makers from the Boston area. This is a wonderful opportunity for your sales team to be face-to-face with key decision-makers in the companies you do business with–or desire to be in business with. Attendees will come ready to learn about new products and services and eager to network with fellow professionals.

Le Méridien Boston Cambridge,
20 Sidney St, Cambridge, MA 02139


  • Exhibit Set-up
    October 27: 10:15am-11:45pm
  • Exhibit Hours
    October 27: 12:00pm-4:00pm
  • Exhibit Dismantle
    October 27: 4:00pm-6:00pm


  • June 22: Vendor Registration Opens
  • July 1:  Attendee Registration Opens
  • October 27: VendorFest Opens

Why You Should Exhibit?

  • Generate leads and build client relations for your east coast sales team.
  • Easy table top event, save on cost of shipping a trade show booth
  • Event venue within walking distance of Cambridge biotech and pharma
  • Mingle with more than 500 drug discovery & development professionals attendees
  • Enjoy our OktoberFest Event with food, drinks, music, and more!
  • Energized exhibit hall foot traffic will be driven by Exhibit Hall passports, Prize Wheel, plus sponsored raffles
  • Eat! Drink! Market! All food and beverages will be co-located in the exhibit hall to promote positive opportunities for vendor/biopharma interactions
  • Promote your presence at VendorFest Cambridge to your customers and prospects with a free marketing kit that includes promotional emails and banners
  • Elevate your exposure and branding through exclusive sponsorship opportunities

Who Will Be Attending?

Analytical Chemists, Associate Scientists, Biobank Director/Managers, Biologists, Biostorage Director/Managers, Biorepository Director/Managers, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Scientific Officers, Computational Biologists, Lab Managers, Lab Technicians, Lab Operations, Manufacturing Specialists, Manufacturing Technicians, Medicinal Chemists, Microbiologists, Post Doctoral Fellows, Principal Scientists, Research Associates, Research Fellows, Research Director/Managers, Research Scientists, Scientists, Senior Research Associates, Translational Researchers, and more.

Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities



Each exhibit space (table top) includes a 6’ skirted table with two chairs, pipe, drape, and electricity. Space is reserved on a first, come first assigned basis. Due to the limited space, we ask that no pop up booths are used, pull up signs are allowed. Wifi is available in the convention area of the hotel.

Exhibits must be installed within the parameters of your exhibit space with no components extending beyond. All interactive features must be installed with the confines of your exhibit space. Your installation may not block other exhibitors. No banners, signs or other material may be nailed, taped, hung to any hotel property.



Lead retrieval will be provided by EXPO Pass and will be ordered directly on the conference website. EXPO Pass offers an app for all mobile devices and the ability to customize your lead generation questions to best qualify your leads.




Your corporate logo displayed on the VendorFest Cambridge badge lanyard, distributed to all attendees upon arrival at the conference




Be the first and most consistent company seen by meeting attendees. Attendees will carry your logo on their event branded bag throughout the conference. Sponsorship includes one promotional item in the bag. Sponsor promotional insert is subject to approval.


(Limit 3)


Make sure you get in front of all conference attendees with your promotional material. You'll send your marketing piece or catalog to us and we'll make sure it gets in the hands of all attendees. Marketing insert is subject to approval.


(Limit 1 Sponsor Per Station)


Sponsor one of our food or beverage stations around the exhibit hall. Sponsor signs will be prominently displayed at food stations. Custom napkins with sponsors logo provided.


(Limit 4)


Sponsor touch-free dispensers with hospital grade sanitizer. The sanitizer station will be branded with your logo and design.


(Limit 4)


Display your marketing message or product information on one or more of these double-sided, freestanding 8' x 3' signs placed in high-traffic areas.




The Headshot Lounge offers attendees the opportunity to have free professional portraits taken while they are at VendorFest. The lounge will be branded with your company’s logo and promoted with additional signage. As the exclusive sponsor, you will also have the option to display promotional materials and giveaways. Cost includes the photographer. Also, includes the a booth space in the exhibit hall to showcase your products and services.


To keep your brand top of mind after the event, get them a gift they will actually use in their everyday lives. The following items are sponsorable with your company logo along with the VendorFest Cambridge logo and will be handed to each attendee at registration.

16oz Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler


Travel Hand Sanitizer


Vaccine Card Holder


Smart Reusable Notebook


  400 W Cummings Park, Suite 3050, Woburn, MA 01801